• Protect Your Rights

    Competent legal representation should be accessible to everyone. Smart, cost-effective advocacy is provided without compromising legal services.

The recipe for winning is experience combined with efficient, hard work

Why Choose Smart Legal Advice and Representation

When legal issues arise, clients need a trusted advocate. They require dedication to their cause. They deserve honest, thorough guidance. Here is where they can find the right resources and legal support to succeed.

Options are discussed. Legal strategies are mapped. Solutions are created. Commitment remains steady. Expectations are exceeded.

Client-Centric Approach

Legal solutions are designed to address each client's unique needs. The outcome of each case depends on these tailor-made strategies.

Legal Services

Workers' Compensation Defense

We offer over 75 years of collective experience defending workers' compensation and related claims, from initial filing of a Report of Injury or Claim for Compensation to settlement, trial or appeal. We have successfully argued appeals from the Labor and Industrial Commission level, to the Court of Appeals districts and the Supreme Court of Missouri

Estate Planning

We offer estate planing services, including counseling, will and trust formation. Our motto is: "Where there's a Will, there's a Way!"

Business Formation

Ready to start your business? We are experienced in creating and advising small businesses. What are you waiting for?

Dedicated Advocacy

When you face legal challenges, you need a dedicated advocate on your side. Commitment to fight relentlessly to protect clients' rights and interests is a priority. A track record of successful cases acts as testimony to this commitment.
